Theme based learning

Using AI to Create Custom Listening Materials

All teachers are materials writers. We all make worksheets, think up activities, select texts and create writing assignments. There is however, one type of material which is extremely challenging for us to make ourselves: audio. Online Workshop - Bring AI Into Your Classroom (A Beginner's Guide) - Monday, 17 February Matching the quality of audio… Teaching skills, Five ways to, Theme based learning

Using AI for English Roleplay Activities

Roleplay is one of the most common ways to practice speaking, especially at higher levels. Roleplays can bridge the gap between the classroom and real-world communication. By encouraging students to be someone else, roleplays can allow students to be themselves - solving problems, driving a hard bargain or simply having fun. All this builds… Teaching skills, ESL activities, Five ways to, Theme based learning

Creating Worksheets with AI

Creating engaging and effective worksheets is a time-consuming process. Even if you download worksheets from a website, the process of searching for something suitable can be as onerous as making your own. In this blog post, we'll look at a different solution: using AI to generate worksheets. As well as saving you time, AI can add interesting… How to..., Teaching skills, ESL activities, Theme based learning

7 Practical Activities for Business English Classes

In task-based learning, students learn English by using English. The tasks are ideal for business English classes because they put students in realistic scenarios where they need to negotiate, solve problems, and communicate in English. In this post we’ll look at how to design activities for business English classes. I’ll share some of my favorite… Five ways to, ESL activities, Teaching skills, Theme based learning

Using TV Shows to Teach English

Using authentic material in the classroom has never been alien to me, but it was only when I was doing my postgraduate qualifications did the idea of using TV series completely hit home. Since then, it’s been a staple and I recommend them for trainees on both the CertTESOL and DipTESOL. Sometimes there’s a reaction of shock, sometimes of doubt,… Teaching skills, ESL activities, Theme based learning

Creating Teaching Materials with ChatGPT and DALL-E2

Creating teaching materials is one of the most time-consuming things that teachers do. Finding a text on a specific topic can take ages. Even once you’ve found or written a text, you might then need to edit it to match the level of your students. Then you might go through the text to pick out useful vocabulary. You might even search for images to… Teaching skills, ESL activities, Five ways to, Theme based learning

Top 10 Tips for Teaching English with Drama

Do you have any tips about teaching English with Drama? After experimenting and learning with English teachers from many different countries and cultures, here are 10 of my most useful tips. All of these tips are simple, adaptable and easy to implement while teaching English with Drama. Think of the skills, not just the performance A… All categories, Teaching skills, Theme based learning

From Covidiot to Infodemic: Coronavirus lexicon explained

Social change has a tendency to bring about language change, either through need or prestige. Social conditions might dictate the speed at which change takes place, but language adapts to reflect changes in society and allows accommodation of new ideas. The current times are no exception and the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) points out: ‘It is… All categories, Theme based learning

6 Valentine’s Day ESL Activities for Young Learners and Adults

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful time to delve into themes of love and friendship with your ESL / EFL classes. In my teaching experience, kids and adults alike enjoy discussing and sharing traditions and ideas about love. Here are some of English for Asia’s favourite Valentine activities to do in class. Love letters : Famous People – 8 years old… All categories, ESL activities, How to..., Certificate courses, Theme based learning

A linguistic history of Christmas in 5 words

Many teachers at this time of the year have turned their thoughts to bringing Christmas into their classrooms with songs and vocabulary. I’ve also heard many a time on the bus, the lively teacher chit chat about when their term ends and the holiday destinations that await them… But how much do you and your students know about those ‘Christmas… All categories, ESL activities, Theme based learning

5 Halloween activities for young learners

Halloween is just around the corner and is the perfect time to do some festive-inspired activities with your young learner classes. As holidays go, Halloween is one of the most fun, paying homage to all things weird and wonderful, such as ghosts, ghouls and goblins. Here are five of my favourite activities to have a wail of a time with your… All categories, Theme based learning, ESL activities, Teaching skills

5 TESOL Dragon Boat Festival activities

Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Double Fifth due to its position in the lunar calendar, has been celebrated in many countries in Asia for more than 2000 years. Legend tells of a famous poet, Qu Yuan (340-278BC), renowned for his patriotism and honesty. He wrote many masterpieces, showing his devotion to his country, before being exiled by… All categories, ESL activities, How to..., Certificate courses, Diploma courses, Theme based learning