Five ways to

How to Teach Grammar Creatively: moving beyond the basics

A few weeks ago we introduced you to the basic principles of how to teach grammar. The key idea behind the basics of teaching grammar relies setting a clear context, introducing the target form and then providing practice and production opportunities for your students.  This week we look at some alternative ways to deliver grammar… All categories, How to..., Five ways to, Certificate courses, Diploma courses, Teaching skills

5 Ways to take feedback and correct mistakes

Post-task feedback is the stage of an ESOL class where much of the real learning happens; it is during feedback that students reflect on their ideas, correct their mistakes and apply the language that we teach in a restricted, experimental and discursive setting. However, feedback stages are all too often focused on the product of the task (the… All categories, Five ways to, Certificate courses, Teaching skills, How to..., ESL activities

ICT: Using technology in the classroom

Whether you like it or not, the use of IT, technology, edTech, ICT….whatever you want to call it….in the classroom is here to stay.  Many schools nowadays actively expect teachers to incorporate elements of technology in their classes on a regular basis.  Many institutions such as the British Council even assess their current… All categories, How to..., Certificate courses, TESOL Masters, Five ways to

Top books for new teachers

Following on from last week’s post about online resources for new teachers, this week we look at our top suggestions for our favourite print materials for new and developing teachers. I remember when I first finished my Certificate course, and was offered my first full-time teaching position: one of the biggest issues I had wasn’t… All categories, ESL activities, Five ways to

Five Useful Online Resources for New Teachers

The internet is full of amazing sites and tools for English teachers, but it can be overwhelming having to sift through so many sites, especially if you've graduated from a CertTESOL course very recently recently.  Whether you’re looking for resources from the BBC, grammar games, improving speaking or vocabulary, or ideas for… All categories, ESL activities, Five ways to